IBM Books

Network Utility User's Guide

Chapter 4. Quick Reference to the User Interface

This chapter contains summary information about navigating the command-line interface, entering commands, and performing common tasks. For a complete explanation of this material with examples, see Chapter 5, A Guided Tour through the Command-Line Interface .


The command-line interface consists of a tree of menus whose root is the asterisk (*) prompt. You type commands and use control keys to move to various places in the tree and then you type commands to actually perform tasks.

Processes and Prompts

From the * prompt, use the talk command (abbreviated t) to attach to one of several processes, or ways of viewing the system. Each process from which you enter commands is identified by a different command prompt.

Table 4-1. Key Processes

Name Command to Access Purpose Top-level Prompt
Config t 6 or config View and modify the configuration Config>
Console t 5 or console View and control running status, make dynamic configuration changes + (plus sign)
Monitor t 2 or event View real-time event message log (none)

Type t n and then press Enter twice to obtain the command prompt. Type Ctrl-p to return to the * prompt from inside any process.

The monitor process has no command prompt because instead of issuing commands in that process, you watch a running log of event messages. You can type Ctrl-s to pause scrolling, and Ctrl-q to resume it.


When you are working inside the talk 6 or talk 5 processes, some commands change the input prompt and provide you with a new command menu that is specific to a functional area. For example,

You can also move from one subprocess into another subprocess. For example, typing ban from the DLSw Config subprocess moves you to the Boundary Access Node Config subprocess. You have gone one nesting level deeper in the menu system; you must return through the DLSw subprocess.

The following navigation rules apply:

Entering Commands

You type commands to enter processes, enter and leave subprocesses, and perform tasks. Some task commands prompt you for parameter values, while others do not require any input other than the command name.

Forming Commands

A command is a sequence of one or more key words, optionally followed by parameter values that were typed on the original command line. The following guidelines apply to forming a command:

Automatic Command Completion

Beginning with MAS V3.3, Network Utility can assist you in forming commands by automatically completing keywords you type and by showing you available menu options. You configure this command completion function to be disabled or enabled, either at the command line or from the Configuration Program. Command Completion is enabled by default when you start a new MAS V3.3 configuration, but if you upgrade an existing configuration, this function is disabled by default. New users are recommended to run with command completion enabled (type enable command from either the Config (only)> or Config> prompts).

To illustrate the behavior of Command Completion, assume that the following commands are allowed in a given menu context. (This is an example menu only.)






To get comprehensive online help for the Command Completion function, type <esc> ? from any command prompt.

Entering Command Parameter Values

Some of the commands that perform a task require you to supply values for input parameters. You can either let the system prompt you for these input values, or (in most cases) type them ahead on the command line following the command name.

If you do not type parameter values ahead:

If you want to type parameter values ahead:

Typing values ahead can be a convenient shortcut for experienced users. You need to be careful that you provide valid parameters in the right order.

You should be alert for cases where you type ? following a full command, and the command treats the "?" as a typed-ahead value for its first input parameter. If this happens, abort or undo the command and try again.

Common Error Messages

Table 4-2 explains several standard error messages from the command-line interface:

Table 4-2. Error Messages and Corrective Actions

Error Message Explanation and Corrective Action
Command error The command you typed does not exist on the current menu. You may have a typo, or be in the wrong place to issue this command, or not have typed enough characters to identify the command from the menu.

Look at your prompt to verify where you are, and type ? to see the available commands. Correct the command or move to the right place.

Command not fully specified The command keywords you typed do not form a complete command.

Type Ctrl-b to retrieve the command, then add " ?" to the end of it to see your choices for the next keyword. Pick the next keyword to add and re-issue the command replacing ? with that keyword.

You may also want to consult the appropriate MAS command-line reference manual for the command you are trying to enter.

Command syntax error You typed an incorrect form of a valid command. You may have supplied an invalid or unexpected parameter.

Try the command again with no parameter values, or consult the appropriate MAS command-line reference manual entry.

Feature <name> available but not enabled Under talk 5, you tried to enter the Console subprocess for a feature that is supported in your software load but is not actively running. Your current configuration either did not enable the feature, or is missing key values required in order to activate the feature.

If you are using the Configuration Program, look on the Navigation Panel for ?s, indicating required parameters not set. Follow the ? trail to the panel or panels with field names in red that are not set.

If you are doing configuration from the command line, consult the example configurations in this book and in the MAS reference manual chapter for this feature. Look for the key parameters that are shown as base parameters for enabling the function.

Protocol <name> available but not configured The same as described above for Feature available but not enabled, but applied to a protocol.

Key User Tasks

This section organizes common user tasks into groups and provides tables with a quick reference to the commands to perform each task.

Configuring Physical Adapters and Interfaces

Table 4-3 describes how to perform tasks relating to configuring physical adapters and interfaces.

Table 4-3. How to Configure Physical Adapters and Interfaces

Task How to do it
Add an interface at initial configuration

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type add dev ? to see a list of supported adapter types.

  3. Type add dev type, where type is the keyword from the list for the adapter type you want.

  4. Enter the physical slot and port number (if asked) of the interface you are configuring. Slots are 1 and 2 from left to right. LAN ports are numbered on the adapter face, and WAN ports are numbered on the cable connectors.

  5. Note the new logical interface (net) number the Network Utility assigns to this interface.

  6. Type net logical interface number to enter the Config subprocess for the particular interface type. Use the commands in that subprocess to verify or change from the default settings for the interface.

  7. Type exit to return to the Config> prompt.

  8. Type write to save this configuration, then reload followed by yes to reboot with it.

Enable the dynamic addition of interfaces after initial configuration

Before you can add an interface dynamically, the active Network Utility configuration must have "spare interfaces" defined.

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type set spare and enter the number of spare interfaces you want.

  3. Type write to save this configuration, then reload followed by yes to reboot with it.

Add an interface dynamically after initial configuration

  1. Verify that you have active spare interfaces:
    1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.
    2. Type int and verify that you have NULL interfaces.
    3. Type Ctrl-p to return to the * prompt.
    If you have no spare interfaces, you must follow the procedure above to add some to your configuration and reboot.

  2. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  3. Use add dev and net commands to configure a new interface, as described in the initial configuration procedures. Note the new logical interface number assigned by the add dev command.

  4. Use the protocol and feature commands to move to Config subprocesses and configure protocol information relating to the new interface.

  5. Type Ctrl-p, talk 5, and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  6. Type activate int and give the new logical interface number. The system activates the new interface dynamically.

  7. If you want to save the new interface configuration so that it will survive a reboot, go back to talk 6 and type write to write the modified configuration to disk. Or, make the corresponding changes at the Configuration Program and download the revised configuration to the Network Utility.

Dynamically change interface configuration

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type list dev to see the logical interface number for the interface you want to change.

  3. Type net logical interface number to enter the Config subprocess for the specific interface type. Enter commands to change the configuration of the interface. Type exit to return to the Config> prompt.

  4. Use the protocol and feature commands to reach protocol and feature Config subprocesses. Enter commands to change parameters related to the interface.

  5. Type Ctrl-p, then talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  6. Type reset and enter the logical number of the interface you just reconfigured.

    Network Utility takes the interface down and brings it back up using the modified configuration.

  7. If you want to save these configuration changes so that they will survive a reboot, go back to talk 6 and type write to write the modified configuration to disk. Or, make the corresponding changes at the Configuration Program and download the revised configuration to the Network Utility.

Managing Physical Adapters and Interfaces

Table 4-4 describes how to perform tasks relating to managing physical adapters and interfaces.

Table 4-4. How to Manage Physical Adapters and Interfaces

Task How to do it
Look at the status of an interface

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type config to see information about the software and, at the end, the current state of all interfaces. If the display output pauses with --More-- displayed, press the space bar to see the next screen of output.

  3. Type int to see slot and port numbers and activation counts for interfaces.

  4. Type stat to see packet and byte statistics for interfaces.

  5. Type err to see error counts for interfaces.

  6. Type queue and buff to see buffer counts for interfaces.

  7. Type net logical interface number to enter the Console subprocess for the specific interface type. Use the commands in that subprocess to display type-specific interface status information.

Recycle (disable/enable) an interface

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type int to see the logical "net" number for the interface you want to recycle.

  3. Type disable int logical interface number to take the interface offline dynamically.

  4. Type test logical interface number to bring the interface back up.

Recycle (disable/enable) an adapter Note: If you intend to remove the adapter while it is disabled (the standard "hot plug" procedure), you should also refer to the "Removal and Replacement Procedures" chapter in the 2216 Nways Multiaccess Connector and Network Utility Service and Maintenance Manual.

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type disable slot slot number, where 1 is the left-hand slot and 2 is the right-hand slot. This disables all interfaces on the adapter in that slot.

  3. Type enable slot slot number to activate all interfaces on the adapter in that slot.

Basic IP Configuration and Operation

Table 4-5 describes basic configuration and operation tasks for IP adapters and interfaces.

Table 4-5. Basic IP Configuration and Operation

Task How to do it
Add an IP address to a network adapter

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type prot ip to reach the IP Config subprocess.

  3. Type li addr to see currently configured IP addresses.

  4. Type add addr to add an IP address. Supply the logical interface (net) number of the interface, the IP address, and the address mask.

  5. If you want to activate this and other IP configuration changes in the running Network Utility:
    1. Type Ctrl-p, then talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.
    2. Type prot ip to reach the IP Console subprocess.
    3. Type int to see currently active interface IP addresses.
    4. Type reset ip to activate the new address.
    5. Type int to verify the new address.

Set the IP address of the PCMCIA EtherJet adapter

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type system set ip and supply the following information (defaults are the current values of these parameters):
    • IP address - the address to be used for the EtherJet adapter
    • IP netmask - the network mask for that address
    • IP gateway address - the address of the IP workstation you are likely to communicate with, or the router you use to reach that workstation.

Any changes you make take effect immediately and are stored in Network Utility nonvolatile memory. These addresses are not part of the Network Utility configuration.

You can also set the EtherJet IP address from the firmware. Follow the procedure below for EtherJet Ping, but select option 1 IP Parameters, instead of option 3 Ping.

Add a static route

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type prot ip to reach the IP Config subprocess.

  3. Type li route to see currently configured routes.

  4. Type add route to add a static route. Supply the information requested.

Ping and traceroute from a network adapter

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type prot ip to reach the IP Console subprocess.

  3. To ping an address with default parameters, type ping ip address. To modify parameters, type only ping and respond to the prompts.

    Type Ctrl-c to end the ping.

  4. To trace the route to an address with default parameters, type trace ip address. To modify parameters, type only trace and respond to the prompts.

    Type Ctrl-c to end the traceroute.

Ping from the PCMCIA EtherJet adapter

  1. Use one of the procedures in Boot Options: Fast Boot and Reaching Firmware to reach the firmware main menu.

  2. Bring up the panel from which you do a Ping
    1. Select option 4, Utilities.
    2. Select option 11, Remote Initial Program Load Setup.
    3. Select option 3, Ping.
    4. Select the PCMCIA Ethernet interface.

  3. Enter the IP addresses you want to use for the ping (these temporarily override the configured addresses) and press Enter.

Managing the Command-Line Configuration

Table 4-6 describes how to manage the command-line configuration.

Table 4-6. How to Manage the Command-Line Configuration

Task How to do it
Erase the configuration for a protocol, or for all protocols

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type clear ? to see a list of sets of configuration information you can clear with a single command.

  3. Type clear protocol name to clear information for a particular protocol, or clear all to clear information for all protocols (but not device information).

These commands change the current configuration in memory but do not affect the operational state of the Network Utility.

Erase the configuration for an interface, or for all interfaces

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type del int if you want to delete the configuration for a particular interface, including all protocol configuration related to that interface.

  3. Type clear dev if you want to delete the configuration for all interfaces. This command does not clear associated protocol information, so you would normally use it with clear all to completely erase a configuration.

These commands change the current configuration in memory but do not affect the operational state of the Network Utility.

Activate the entire current talk 6 configuration

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  2. Type write to write the current configuration in memory to disk in the next available configuration file position of the active bank.

  3. Type reload then yes to reboot Network Utility and activate that configuration.

If you activate a configuration with no protocol or no device information, the Network Utility will enter config-only mode. You will have to define one protocol and one interface and reboot before the Network Utility can be fully operational.

General Status Monitoring

Table 4-7 describes how to perform general status monitoring tasks.

Table 4-7. How to do General Status Monitoring

Task How to do it
Look at CPU utilization

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type perf to reach the performance monitoring Console subprocess.

  3. Type list and verify that the CPU Monitor State is ENABLED. This is the default setting for Network Utility. If the state is not ENABLED, type enable cpu.

  4. Type report to see recent CPU utilization statistics. The most current snapshot is the value "Most recent short window."

  5. If you want CPU utilization to be reported every so often as an event message you can monitor with talk 2, type enable t2. Type Ctrl-p and talk 2 to watch CPU utilization messages being generated. Type Ctrl-p to exit talk 2.

  6. If you want the talk 2 CPU reporting to be continued after your next reboot, move to talk 6 and repeat the above commands. Or, configure the same settings on the CPU Utilization panel from the Configuration Program, and transfer the updated configuration to the Network Utility.

Look at memory utilization

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type mem to see current global memory statistics.

    This command reports the total physical installed memory and details about the part of memory used by the routing function. The routing function includes all network protocols and features except APPN and TN3270 server.

  3. If you are running APPN or TN3270 server, type p appn to reach the APPN Console subprocess.

    Type mem to see current APPN memory statistics and threshold states. TN3270 server usage is included in these statistics, even if you are running only subarea TN3270 host attachment.

Turn on default ELS messages

  1. From the * prompt, type talk 5 and press Enter twice to reach the + prompt.

  2. Type event to reach the event logging Console subprocess.

  3. Type disp sub all to activate the STANDARD level of logging for all defined subsystems. This includes error messages and uncommon informational messages.

  4. Type Ctrl-p then talk 2 to watch any messages being generated, and Ctrl-p to exit talk 2.

  5. If you want these settings to be maintained after your next reboot, move to talk 6 and repeat the above commands. This will make the settings part of your configuration.

Boot Options: Fast Boot and Reaching Firmware

Table 4-8 describes how to perform the boot option tasks for fast boot and reaching firmware.

Table 4-8. Boot Options: Fast Boot and Reaching Firmware

Task How to do it
Minimize boot time in a test environment

  1. Type talk 6 and then boot to reach the boot Config subprocess.

  2. Type en fast to enable the fast boot option.

The next time you reboot the Network Utility, it will boot more quickly by skipping some of the power-on diagnostics. This option is not recommended for production environments. You can use dis fast to go back to the normal full diagnostic mode.

Reach the firmware if you have a directly connected terminal console

  1. Make sure your terminal emulation screen size is set to 24 rows by 80 columns, or set auto-wrap off in your terminal emulator.

  2. From the * prompt, type reload, then yes to the confirmation message. Start watching the boot status messages closely.

  3. When you see the message Starting Boot Sequence followed by Strike F1 key now to prematurely terminate Boot, type Ctrl-c or F1 immediately. To make sure you do not miss this message, you can start holding down Ctrl-c at any time after the start of system board diagnostics. Continue to hold Ctrl-c until you see the firmware main menu or the prompt for a supervisory password.

  4. Within a few seconds of the Strike F1 key now to prematurely terminate Boot message, you should be either at the firmware main menu or at a prompt for a supervisory password.

    If neither of these appear and you see disk load messages, you waited too long and missed the time window for typing Ctrl-c or F1. Wait for the boot sequence to complete, then repeat steps 2 and 3 of this procedure. Or, use the dial-in procedure to ensure you will stop in the firmware without having to press a key at the right time.

  5. If the system prompts you for a supervisory password, enter the current password, originally set to "2216" at the factory. The system then presents the firmware main menu.

Reach the firmware if you have a dialed-up terminal console

  1. Make sure your terminal emulation screen size is set to 24 rows by 80 columns, or set auto-wrap off in your terminal emulator.

  2. From the * prompt, type talk 6 and press Enter twice to reach the Config> prompt.

  3. Type boot to reach the boot Config subprocess.

  4. Type disable auto-boot to select the mode where a boot sequence will always stop at the firmware. If you are prompted with the duration (once/always) prompt, select whether you want to stop in the firmware with only the next reboot or with every reboot hereafter.

  5. Type Ctrl-p to reach the * prompt, then reload yes to reboot Network Utility. The reboot causes you to lose your dial connection.

  6. After a few minutes, dial back in and you should be either at the firmware main menu or at a prompt for a supervisory password.

  7. If the system prompts you for a supervisory password, enter the current password, originally set to "2216" at the factory. The system then presents the firmware main menu.

If you were given the duration (once/always) prompt and you selected always or if you were not given that prompt, do an enable auto-boot the next time you reach the operational code.

Boot from the firmware into the operational code

  1. From within the firmware menu structure, press Esc as required to reach the firmware main menu.

  2. If you want to continue the current boot sequence up into the operational code, press F9 (Start OS).

    If you want to completely reboot starting from power-on diagnostics press F3 (Reboot). This will cause you to lose your connection if you are dialed into the Network Utility PCMCIA modem or system card service port.

  3. Dial back in if necessary, or just monitor the disk load messages. Press the space bar to obtain the command prompt if the system asks you to do so.

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